Your world

Climate change is real! Here at CES, we are working to reduce it’s impact by turning homes into environmentally friendly and energy efficient households.

What is climate change

Since early 20th century scientists have seen dramatic long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns causing dramatic global weather effects. This is referred to as climate change. These shifts may be natural, such as through variations in the solar cycle, but scientists agree that humanity is responsible for the vast majority of global warming.

The main cause of climate change is burning fossil fuels such as oil, gas, and coal. When burnt, fossil fuels release carbon emissions into the air, causing the planet to heat up. We know that the planet has warmed by an average of nearly 1°C in the past century. If we are to prevent the worst effects of climate change, there is global agreement that temperature rises need to be kept well below 2°C. Currently, however, assessments suggest that we are currently on course for temperature rises of up to as high as 4°C or higher.

Climate change has become a huge threat to our natural world with the very realistic possibility of species and eco systems being completely wiped out. As the planet continues to warm, climate patterns change which causes extreme and unpredictable weather that affects eco systems, rises sea levels, lowers oxygen and threatens natural animal habitats causing a high possibility of globally mass extinction.


40% of carbon emissions in the UK come from households

40% of carbon emissions in the UK come from households

What we are doing to help

We can already see the drastic impacts climate change is having on all life on Earth. Climate change requires immediate and ambitious action to prevent the worst effects it can have on people and wildlife all over the world. It is estimated that 40% of carbon emissions come from households in the UK and 31% of that percentage comes from how we heat our homes.

This is why CES are working hard to lower UK households emissions by installing energy efficient household upgrades for free. Including low carbon heating and solar panels to generate your own electricity.


The Climate Change Act 2008 established a target for the UK to reduce its Green House Gas (GHG) emissions by at least 80% (from 1990 levels) by 2050.

The UK is committed to reduce its carbon emissions to reach a target of net zero by 2050.

The UK is committed to reduce its carbon emissions to reach a target of net zero by 2050.

Currently in the UK the average carbon footprint is about 12.7 tonnes CO2 per person per year. This is about double the world average.

To put this in perspective 1 tonne of CO2 is equal to:

For 1 tonne of co2 to be recaptured,

50 trees

would need to grow in

1 year

How do our services lower carbon emissions

At CES we have a whole house approach that can lower your fuel bills and your carbon emissions, creating a more environmentally friendly household.

Air source heat pumps

Heat pumps can save more than 2 tonnes of CO2 per year

That is equivalent to the weight of a fully grown white rhino

more efficient compared to alternative heating systems


1 in 3 homes using electric heating converting to heat pumps can save 0.8 tonnes of CO2 per year

The average ASHP lifespan is 20 years which is equivalent to planting

Internal wall insulation

Insulation can save more than 2 tonnes of CO2 per year

That is equivalent to the weight of a fully grown hippopotamus


less energy consumption to a home without internal insulation

19 million UK homes need better insulation to reach the target of net zero

The average insulation lifespan is 25 years which is equivalent to planting

Solar panels

Solar panels can save more than 1.25 tonnes of CO2 per year

That is equivalent to the weight of a baby humpback whale

Less carbon output compared
to coal powered electricity

low-carbon generation could reduce emissions by 79% a year for the average home

The average lifespan of solar is 30 years which is equivalent to planting

With all 3 measures installed you could save more than 5.25 tonnes of CO2 a year.

After 20 years you could be responsible for planting…

5,260 trees

and saving over…

105 tonnes
of carbon dioxide

David Attenborough
what humans do over the next 50 years will determine the fate of all life on the planet